About us

The Gabrovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GbCCI) was founded on September 30, 1991.

The main goal of the Chamber is to represent and protect the united interests of its members before the local governing bodies and through the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – before the central bodies of state power; to other local, foreign and international organizations with which the Chamber, directly or through the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, maintains partnerships. The Chamber assists its members in optimizing the conditions for economic activity in the country and in the region, assists them in increasing their opportunities for realization on the markets in the country and abroad.

It is one of the nationally represented employers’ organizations.

As an employers organization, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry works for the regional development, participates in state-public, consultative and other bodies and organizations in the region, in the work of the regional and local bodies for tripartite cooperation.

Gabrovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry is

Complex centre for servicing the activities of companies from Gabrovo region.

The Chamber offers services both to its members and to individuals and non-member companies.

According to the Chamber’s statute the governing bodies are the General Assembly, the Management Board and the Chairman. The activity is controlled by the Supervisory Board.

Management Board:

  1. Petar Petrov – Chairman
  2. Deyan Todorov – Vice Chairman
  3. Denka Stoeva – member
  4. Petar Shandurk – member

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Stefan Iliev

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